This week has been a fun and eventful one! We got a phone call from our Realtor stating that we would be finding out about the house this week... they needed to do some more paperwork at the bank so it would probably take just a little longer. Bummer... still waiting~
Anyway, hope to hear soon.
Scott had Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off this past week so we decided that we would take a trip up to Blackfoot to visit the Scott family. We arrived in Blackfoot pretty late in the evening on Tuesday. Poor little Paige was up the whole night before sick so we didn't get there as soon as we thought that we would on Tuesday! We wanted to make sure that she was feeling better before we left Boise. We think that she must have eaten something that didn't agree with her tummy, I felt pretty bad I have never seen her so sick :( We went through 4 different changes of clothing (for both of us!) and 2 baths and a few loads of laundry trying to clean up. Anyway, it appeared that she was feeling better, so we decided to make the trip. It was so fun. Wednesday my Dad took Scott ice fishing... Scott took the camera and was supposed to take some pictures, but as you can see none were taken. Oh well, maybe next time! Then we meet them in Pocatello for dinner. My parents called some of my brothers and sister to tell them that we would be in town, so they met up with us for dinner. It was so fun to see all of them and Paige's little cousins! When we got back to Blackfoot that night, Scott and I rented a movie from Red Box and got some ice cream and went back to Mom and Dad's and watched the movie and had ice cream. Then Thursday we just hung around at Grandma and Grandpa's and went to a play that was being put on by the Snake River High School called "Simply Modern Milly". The students did a great job and from what I got to see it was pretty good. Paige wasn't very good... so I missed most of the second half. Then we drove home Thursday night, we thought that it would be the best option since Paige would probably sleep the whole way home. We got home about 2:30 am on Friday morning. And Scott went to work on Friday at 2pm.
Here's a few pics with Grandma and Grandpa!
she is playing with Grandma's string on her jacket. Cute!
Paige started to feel more like herself by the last night that we were there and was in a happier mood. She loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins.
FUNNY!!! So, this picture didn't turn out the way that I hoped that it would. This is me attempting to take a picture of her tooth that has finally broken through... It was too funny so I had to post it. Isn't it cute?!?
Here's another picture of Paige playing with Daddy's hat. Paige loves it when Daddy is wearing his hat. She wants anything and everything that we have. Like I said she is getting so curious. The other night she was playing next to the glass doors by our patio and pulling up the carpet. She was pulling out pieces of the carpet! Paige!!! She picks up every little thing that is on the floor. We have to be really careful about anything that is left on the floor. Because she WILL find it!!
Paige loves playing with her toys! She will literally do this for hours! She loves to unpack her toy basket. She takes out the toys and plays with each one, when she is ready for the next toy she just takes it out. When the basket is empty she then proceedes to play with the basket.
She now plays peek-a-boo with us! She will pull a blanket up above her head and then pull it down waiting for us to say "PEEK-A-BOO!" She showed this to Grandma and Grandpa Scott while we were there. So fun!
I gave a talk this Sunday in church... Scott gave a talk a few weeks ago and miss understood the bishopric member and thought that he was asking us both to speak. So we both prepared talks and arrived at church and his name was the only one of ours that was on the program. So we asked them if I was speaking also and sure enough... It was just Scott. Funny! So they asked me to speak this past week since I had a talk already prepared. It was a great experience and I think it was the most prepared I have ever been for a talk,
next to seminary graduation that is :)
We have a busy week planned... Friends and family visiting and hopefully more news on the house, so more to come next week!
Yea, such a big girl!!! Glad she is feeling better.
Sending good luck thought your way on the house! hope everything goes through.
Yay for Paige's first chomper! how cool! and sitting on her own. pretty cool. :)
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