Monday, May 4, 2009

More Ultrasound Pics!

So... at our last Dr's appointment we had another ultrasound. Our final peek at our little girl before she is finally born! (WE ARE SOOOO EXCITED!) Anyway just wanted to share a few of our favorites~

Ok, so I would like to think that she is looking right at the camera. I know that probably isn't the case, but it's still a fun picture. I am sure her eyes are closed and it's just a shadow, but cool huh?

Here's a side profile...

Here's the heart beat... the heart is the dark image at the top and the waves at the bottom measure the heart beat.

Ok, so I totally think this one looks like she's an alien :) It's taken more at the top of her head looking down so she looks kinda funny. Cute though...

I know this is kind of a weird pic but I think it is so cute! I love that you can see the nose and lips with so much detail. It's incredible how much technology has improved. I remember looking at my sister in-laws ultrasound pictures and thinking... I don't see anything!?!?

So this one has to be my ultimate favorite!!! I just can't believe how much it looks like a real photograph. I just can't believe what a wonderful blessing we have coming into our lives! What a beautiful and incredible thing. I just can't thank the Lord enough for all of our many blessings~

I am so thankful for the amazing opportunity that Heavenly Father has given to us to be parents. I am scared but so excited for the unknown. It has been such a wonderful experience so far! Last night she was moving around quite a bit when we laid down to go to bed and Scott and I spent at least 30-45 min just feeling her move. I always thought to myself how can parents just sit there and stare at their children and be completly content with themselves, how boring. But I have definately changed my mind about that now! I get so excited when she moves around and I could honestly just sit there forever and enjoy every moment of it. It makes it even more fun when Scott is around, he talks to her and everything. It's so fun! We are just so excited for her to finally be here... only 8 1/2 more weeks!!!! Yeah! :)


The Cook Clan said...

That is very exciting! It is always fun to see a visual!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

She's going to be a cutie! just like her mama! We are so excited for you guys!!

Chad and Emily said...

Scott & Ash,
Can't believe there's only 56 days left! (goes faster for those of us that are sleeping through the night!) So excited for you! It is a wonderful experience and you're going to be a wonderful mom! Love you! Em

Emily said...

She's already looking so perfect! Not too much longer-- how exciting!

The Scott's said...

Wow you are getting so close. The pictures are amazing I can't believe how good the technology is. Hope you are feeling good.