Friday, April 24, 2009

30 weeks!!!

I know, I know, I am totally a slacker and have not posted in about 9 weeks... Sorry Michelle! :(
Anyway, just wanted to update everybody on what is going on with our baby~

We are offically 30 weeks! Only a few months left! Oh, it’s been a journey. Never knew how many things you deal with in pregnancy. You always hear about being tired, cravings, stretch marks and being uncomfortable… Oh, how little those things prepare you for the real thing! It has defiantly been more exciting the closer that it gets. One really fun thing that we have been experiencing this past week is that our little girl has started REALLY moving…. (you know the kind that wake you up at night). Scott and I have had a lot of fun just feeling her move! She doesn’t move a whole lot during the day mostly just in the evening around 8 and then when we lay down to go to sleep. I probably just notice it more during those times because I am actually resting and not running around like I do during the day.

We have also been taking a parenting class, and that has been very interesting. We just went to our 3rd one on Tuesday (only 2 more to go). I am a little on the nervous and paranoid side and so there are things that they talk about that I just keep thinking… I don’t want to know! Just let me be naïve and not hear about any of the scary stuff!!! You know... I am a flowers and rainbows type of girl. Unrealistic, but you can always dream right?!? They have this thing called the sympathy belly that they let one of the support persons wear during class, so they can experience a "taste" of what being pregnant is really like (right...mmm not sure how close it is to the real thing). I have been trying to convince Scott to volunteer not only for the experience, but I thought it would be a fun picture to put on the blog. Hasn't happened yet, but I will keep trying :)

We had an appointment with the Dr. last week. The Dr. said "Wow, you are really growing aren't you?!?" (DON'T I KNOW IT!!!! I feel huge.) Scott asked the Dr. about how big I am and if that means that they would induce me early... Scott and I have been worried that the baby would be bigger because he was almost a 10 pounder! I was just over 6 so a little bit of a difference there :) If I was average height we wouldn't worry, but I am a bit bigger than others at this stage. The Dr. said that I appear larger because of how short I am and I am going out so much because there is no torso for the baby... so she is going... OUT! He said there shouldn't be any additional risks because of my height. The Dr. reassured us that just because Scott was a bigger baby didn't mean that I would have problems... he said to look at my mother and how big her babies where. My mom's were all about 6-7 lbs so that made me feel better. The Dr. did say that he wanted us to go in for another ultrasound next week to check on size and to make sure that everything is going well. So, we are pretty excited to see her on the ultrasound next Thursday!!! :)

I am also getting really excited because we are having a baby shower this weekend. The ladies at my work are throwing it for us. They have invited people from work and a few friends here in Twin. So, I should have some fun pictures of the shower to post by next week! Just staying busy... Scott is almost done with this semester, yeah. He has been studying like crazy! :) Anyway, I will post more real soon...


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

You didn't post a belly photo!! Ash, come on, I want to see your CUTE baby bump!
Way to go on taking a parenting class. You def need to get Scott to wear the sympathy belly. lol. i would pay to see that pic!
Another ultrasound, yay! don't you just love peeking at your cutie?
Thanks for finally posting! :)

Chantel said...

I can't believe you are already 30 weeks! How exciting! Can't wait to see little Paige. :)

You have GOT to get Scott to wear the sympathy belly! lol. You guys should take a double belly shot. That would be priceless!

I hope you are doing well. Thanks for the post. :)

Parrish Family said...

The end is near! I am so excited for you! But I still want to see a belly shot of you this far along. Keep us updated! PS we are now expecting our second!

Kimberly Miller said...

Hey Ash, how was the baby shower? I feel so bad I couldn't be there but we had tickets to Wicked in Salt Lake the same day. Sad. Isn't feeling the baby move so fun! I sure miss that! Glad to see hear that you are doing good, can't wait to meet little Paige.

Scott-ish Nomads said...

Oh, Ash, we're so excited for you! Taking that parenting class IS an eye opener; I especially felt the way you're feeling when we were expecting Derik and I had first-hand knowledge of what was coming... Good thing we get something so great out of it! :)

The Cook Clan said...

They baby shower was super fun and very well planned! Thanks for the invite.