Sunday, May 16, 2010

We are officially Home Owners!

We closed on our house this past Thursday... Wow, what a feeling of excitement, total relief and fear all at the same time. I didn't think that I would be that scared at purchasing a home. Scott keeps telling me jokingly that there is nothing that we can do about it now, we bought it already. Scott's just excited. He's not stressed at all but what can I say, look who I married- he's not a stresser. Me on the other hand... think again!
And I know, I know, I AM very excited... it's just all the extra stuff that goes with owning your own home. The stress part... you know what if something breaks? We can't just call the landlords, WE ARE THE LANDLORDS!!! Is this the point that I can finally officially exclaim "I AM AN ADULT"? I am pretty sure that that came with being a parent, but in case I have forgotten and gotten too comfortable with that, now I am positive that I am an adult. :) The pros definitely outweigh the cons though.
Back to the we are very excited part! I am excited about learning how to garden and take care of the plants and flowers (that I will be planting very soon, yay! The yard definitely needs a little TLC), painting, decorating, the lawn, and the extra space!!! Wow, can I just say I am excited about the space! To be completely moved in somewhere finally. We have been in boxes the past 5 months, so it will be exciting to open them up and see what we have forgotten about that we don't really need since we forgot about it and everything. HaHa! :)
Right after we got the call on Thursday that everything was good to go and the house was ours we went right over. It was really fun to walk through OUR house and see dream about all the fun things that we can do to it. Paige loves all the extra space too. Every time we are over there to work on the house all she wants to do is crawl around. She sees all the room and just wants us to put her down. And I don't mean that in a subtle way, she is practically jumping out of our arms we can barely hold on to her. And she loves the grass! Didn't think she would care for it much cause we have never put her down on grass but it's just another new discovery for her and she loves to touch and feel it.
Here's a picture of Paige playing in her playpen while I have been busy with the house. She has been so good!
Friday we had the carpets cleaned in the new house. Scott worked on Friday so Paige and I headed over to the house to "work" on the flower bed out front. Can I just say I totally underestimated the amount of TLC it needed. It is so overgrown and I can't tell what are weeds and what are plants. So I called the most savvy gardener I know... my Dad and asked for some suggestions of what to do. His answer: "Ash, your just going to have to start over from scratch. Just tear everything out." Not the answer I was hoping for, so it looks like I have got some work to do. In addition I still need to paint all the base boards and a few rooms before we move in on Thursday. Fun projects coming my way!! :) I was able to weed the bed out by the driveway though... it is not overgrown so I will be keeping what is in there. YAY! Some good news!

Here's a couple of pics of the flower garden that I will be ripping out, this really doesn't do it justice... it is in way worse shape than this picture looks!

Saturday there was a huge garage sale here in Boise. It is called Idaho's Largest Garage Sale. It was at the Expo Center and there were hundreds of vendors there. Unfortunately we weren't able to find anything to promising. Just a few wrenches and a caulking gun. It was a fun morning though. That afternoon I went over to Sears to purchase a fridge. The previous owners took theirs with them. I got a sweet deal on a Maytag fridge that was being clearanced because it was a discontinued model, it was about $800 less than it's regular price. They will be delivering that to our house on Monday so that we have a cold fridge to move things into on Wednesday and Thursday. So excited!!!

Today we went to our new ward. Scott had to work so he was going to leave right after sacrament meeting. While Paige and I went to the rest of the meetings. Well, Paige had other plans, or should I say Paige's digestive system had other plans... She blew out all over her dress and mine so we went home early with Scott and got her all bathed and cleaned up. Wow, I really look up to all you multiple children moms. I don't know how you do it! I am sure that when I get there I will be more of a pro. But today one was all that I could handle. :) LOVE HER THOUGH!
Anyway, Paige is learning more and more everyday. She pulls herself up on things now. Her favorite toy at the moment is a little toy piano that she can pull herself up to standing and play it. She loves to turn the "music pages" back and forth. Too cute!
Here's a couple pics:
Check this one out! She tries so hard to stay standing. Her little legs just slide out from under her and pretty soon she is standing like this. Funny huh?!?

She has become such a good eater. She will eat anything. She especially loves to eat anything that she can pick up with her fingers. Her favorites are pineapple, kiwi, grapes, cheese, goldfish crackers, and avocado. And she just had Lasagna for the first time today and she loved it! Each day is so much fun and I am loving every new stage, just wish it would go by a little slower!

My plan tomorrow is to go over to the house and paint the base boards and trim and hopefully a few of the rooms... wish me luck! :)


Chad and Emily said...

Sounds like lots of work...but when it's your own house and you know it's an makes all the hours of painting, weeding, etc. worth the while! Paige is getting so big...and staying so cute! Miss and love you! Congrats again on your new home....looking forward to when we get to come and visit!

Kimberly Miller said...

OH I am so excited for you guys! I remember I had terrible buyers remorse at first. You are totally normal. :)

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

CONGRATS on officially being home owners!! yay!! so exciting! CAn't wait to see more pics of it as you transform it into your home. I'm sure you're so relieved to finally be in. that's such great news.

Don't worry, I've left church early for things like that too. Church is so hard with young children. The 3 hours is killer. And when they have an accident at church, ugh. it's the worst!!

The Cook Clan said...

Wahoo!!!!! Congrats you guys! We'll have to come up and visit you guys!