We have had a pretty busy summer so far. We have had lots of visitors...
Over the 4th of July Scott's brother, Chad, and his family came to visit. Scott's dad lives up in Washington and wanted to surprise Chad and come for a visit while they were here. So we had a full house :) Here's a few pictures from their trip:
Paige had a ball with all the attention that she got. She was a spoiled little girl for a couple of days! Here's the girls jumping on the tramp with her.
Uncle Chad and Aunt Emily were so fun! And I know what some of you are thinking... no, that is not an alcoholic beverage that Chad is drinking. It's a Root Beer :)
All the grandkids with Grandpa and Connie (Scott's dad's wife).
Here we are on 4th of July Sunday! I forgot to take any pictures of the little firework show that we had at our house. Scott and Chad went and bought a bunch of fun fireworks on Saturday and we lit them off on the 4th. We thought that Paige was going to LOVE all the fireworks... cause she loves lights of any kind, but oh were we wrong!!!! Paige was not to excited at all about the noise they made and it really scared her. It didn't really help that everyone else in our neighborhood was letting off fireworks too. So needless to say, Paige and I spent most of the show in the house.

K... so I don't know how well you can see this picture, but it was so funny I just had to post it! A few days after everyone left we finally recieved our new bedroom furniture, I know bad timing huh! We now have our old furniture in the guest room so that when we have family and friends visit they can sleep on a bed instead of an air mattress. Sorry everybody that came to visit in the past couple of months that you weren't able to sleep in a bed :( Oh, well we have one now... so all are welcome to come stay with us anytime and you have your very own comfortable place to sleep! Anyhow... Paige was sitting in the room with us while we were moving furniture and this is how we found her. She was blowing bubbles and she got a whole beard full! Man, it was way bigger than this before we were able to get the camera, about half of the bubbles popped! Kinda gross but CUTE!
A few weeks ago my Mom's side of the family had a family reunion. So Paige and I were able to car pool down to Pocatello with some of our friends (THANK YOU Zach and Kimberly!) and stay with my family while Scott had to stay in Boise and work. While I was busy doing something, Paige hung out with my Mom while she was getting ready. Paige was watching my Mom put curlers in her hair and she wanted to have some too. So, my Mom put her hair in curlers!
While I was visiting with my family my brother, Seth, took us boating! They have a SWEET boat! We had so much fun! I hadn't been since before Paige was born, and let me tell you, It isn't as easy after you've had a baby! :)
Here is a pic with my brother, Jared, a few of the cousins, Skyler and Mason, and my sister in-law, Tara (Seth's wife), surfing in the background.
I wasn't so sure that Paige would like wearing a life jacket, but she did great! Just sat and enjoyed the ride! Here's a picture with Me, Paige, Tara, and Mason just chillin' in the boat!
It was absolutely beautiful when we were out... Here's the kids out on the tube.

I think that this was her favorite part of the Zoo... Paige loves anything involving water. They had these misting things that blew out of elephant trunks on the sidewalks. Paige absolutely loved them!!!

Because Paige liked them so much a few days later we took her to the free splash park near our house to play in some. She sat there and played with them for almost an hour, I'm sure that she would have played all day if Mommy and Daddy hadn't been melting away in the heat!

So this past week Scott and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. We really wanted to go to Hawaii for our 5th, but with finances (buying a new house) we decided that we would wait until next year too to that. We still had fun though! We dropped Paige off in Pocatello and my brothers and their wives took turns watching her for us while we went on a little get-away to Salt Lake. We stayed at a nice hotel, went out to eat, went to a session at the temple, watched a few movies (at the theater no less! Haven't done that in a while! You know how it is with babies) enjoyed the temple grounds, and went to Lion King on Broadway. It was a wonderful little trip for us the only thing that I regret is that we didn't take any pictures. Everytime we went out we forgot the camera. And the one picture that we did manage to take didn't even have either of us in it! Oh well, what can I do about it now.

When I got back to Boise Scott and I took Paige to the Zoo... unfortunetly she had a little bit of an allergy attack when we first got there. We where just walking around and I looked down at her and her face was covered in red bloches and her eyes were watering and her nose was running like crazy! We hurried and moved from the location that we where standing in and within a matter of minutes she was just fine. We have found that if she sits in the grass too long that she has the same reaction. Poor thing! We hope that she won't have to deal with allergies for her whole life and that she will grow out of it, we'll see.
Lookin' at the giraffes with Daddy!
We also took her to the waterpark that is just a few miles away from our house. Paige loved it! We went with a few of our friends, Mike and Barb and their girls. We had so much fun!
Paige and Mommy going down the slide.
Paige and Mommy waiting at the bottom of the racing slides. We couldn't go down most of the slides with Paige, she's still too little. And Barb couldn't go either, she was expecting. But we had lots of fun watching the boys and the little girls race together!
Scott, Rylie, Cloe, and Mike finishing their race down the slide!
I'm sure that most of you Mom's out there know what these are! They have these cool miniture water fountains at most splash parks, well the kiddy pool is lined with a bunch of these! Paige LoVeS lOvEs LoVeS them! She could spend all day just feeling the water.
Because Paige liked them so much a few days later we took her to the free splash park near our house to play in some. She sat there and played with them for almost an hour, I'm sure that she would have played all day if Mommy and Daddy hadn't been melting away in the heat!
So this past week Scott and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. We really wanted to go to Hawaii for our 5th, but with finances (buying a new house) we decided that we would wait until next year too to that. We still had fun though! We dropped Paige off in Pocatello and my brothers and their wives took turns watching her for us while we went on a little get-away to Salt Lake. We stayed at a nice hotel, went out to eat, went to a session at the temple, watched a few movies (at the theater no less! Haven't done that in a while! You know how it is with babies) enjoyed the temple grounds, and went to Lion King on Broadway. It was a wonderful little trip for us the only thing that I regret is that we didn't take any pictures. Everytime we went out we forgot the camera. And the one picture that we did manage to take didn't even have either of us in it! Oh well, what can I do about it now.
So here is the one and only picture that was taken the view from our seats at the Lion King we did have pretty good seats if I do say so myself! We were in the grand balcony in the front row, it was awesome!
When we got back Scott's Dad was at our house to meet us! He took a 2 week vacation to visit all of his kids. He drove his motorcycle the entire way! We took him to the water park while he was here, played games, went to Tucanos, and did a few other fun things. Here's a picture of the boys just relaxin' in the sun:
Sadly... Paige is not much of a cuddler. I am, so it's kinda hard for me :( She is always going, going, going! And has other things on her mind. But, we have found that after we go swimming and she is a little cold and you wrap her all up in a towel, she will cuddle with you for a few minutes... Here is Mommy's moment of bliss :)

Paige in her toy bin! I walked out of the room and she was standing next to the bin and when I walked back in this is how I found her!
She gets into everything!!!!! This is a common ocurrance at our house, unloading the cupboards.
Playin' with the salt and cooking spray. Man, I can barely keep up with her now days. As much as we would love for her to walk, I just can't imagine that she will start off walking... running is more like it! :) 
Now for a little update on Paige. She is growing and changing like crazy! She now has 5 teeth, lots of hair, sleeps for like 12 hours at a time... ahhhh can you say awesome!?! Talks all the time (in "baby talk" of course- it's really cute! We love it!), pulls herself up onto anything and everything and walks along. No walking yet but we have a feeling it will be anyday now. She does stand for a few seconds at a time. She has completely mastered the stairs, she can climb up or down. She goes down on her tummy and most of the time she just slides down from stair to stair as fast as she can! She loves to play in the tub, and is getting more and more picky about food all the time... oh, what a pain! She used to eat anything that we gave her. One day she will love something and the next nevermind!
Now for the fun part... PICTURES!
When we got home from our trip in Salt Lake we were getting Paige ready for bed and I pulled her hair bands out and this is how crazy her hair was! FUNNY!
Like I said she climbs up on anything that she possibly can... Here she is on our coffee table that she climbed all by herself. We have since moved it out of our family room, more room and safer for Paige.
I LOVE all the super cute smily pics! That pic of the tube on the water with the sun rays is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing, Ashley! I got behind in checking blogs so it was fun to catch up and see what you've been up to. You guys have had a busy summer and we're happy we were a small part of it!!! Pagie is so darn cute and is going up so quick! Climbing on the table and in to cupboards....loved those years! ps, i have some pics of fireworks, i will email them to you -Emily
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