Last week Paige and I were driving to the store and I had the primary songs playing in the car. The song "If You're Happy and You Know It" came on and I could hear her clapping in the back seat. Then I realized that she was clapping because it was saying: "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands..." Wow, little did I know that she was paying such close attention to what was going on! Now every time I play it or even sing the song she gets really excited and starts clapping with the music. So fun!!!
I forgot to share another fun story... a few weeks ago on Easter Sunday, Some of our friends, Mike and Barb, invited Paige and I over for dinner because Scott was working. We had Easter lunch with Daddy and dinner with the Hermies! Anyway, Barb had made some yummy steamed veggies and I gave Paige some of the veggies to see if she would like any of them. She loved the cauliflower! Or so I thought :) She just kept shoveling it in. So I just kept giving her more and more. Much to my surprise, I went to give her a bite of something else and out poured a bunch of small pieces of cauliflower. Little girl hadn't swallowed any of it! She was just storing it in there like a chipmunk! :) I put my finger in her mouth to empty out the load of cauliflower and out came about half a dozen little pieces. Then while we were cleaning up I put her on the floor and saw a peek into her mouth, and there were even more she still had in there!!! All in all there were about a dozen pieces that I emptied out.... mmmm... doesn't this mean I am on road to all sorts of "funny" kid stories!
Here's some cute pictures that I have taken of Paige lately:
Paige was being so funny in this picture. She had just gotten done with her bath and I was getting her ready for bed and she was being so silly! She was just laughing like crazy.
She is into everything!!! Some of my exercise equipment that she loves to play with.
Anyway, on to the events of the past week. This last week Paige and I worked on the gifts that we were making for Scott's mom and my Mom for Mother's Day. I was able to get Scott's Mom's gift in the mail just in time for it to arrive there on Friday. And we decided that we would deliver my Mother's in person since they live within 4 hours of us. So, down we drove to Blackfoot to surprise my Mom for Mother's Day. We had so much fun!! It was so wonderful to see my Mom and celebrate the wonderful woman she truly is! I hope that someday I can be as good of a mother to my kids as she was to her children. Saturday night my Dad picked up take-out Chinese so that my mom and I wouldn't have to cook on Mother's Day. It was so nice to be able to relax and not have to make dinner. We were only able to stay overnight. We left on Saturday morning and came back late on Sunday night. It was a quick trip but a fun one! On Saturday, before we left Boise to go to Blackfoot, Scott and I went to this discount LDS store and bought a book on CD that we could listen to on the way down. Usually I read while he drives but we had (and still have) both been pretty under the weather and I didn't want to over strain my voice and make it worse. We bought the next book in the series that we have been reading The Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, we have really enjoyed them! I also saw some large beautiful clocks with a quote about family that were 50% off and so Scott got me one for my first Mother's Day. He also wrote me a very sweet letter that he hid in the glove compartment for me to read on the way home on Sunday night :)
We signed our closing paperwork for our house today. Which totally freaked me out. Are we really mature enough to own our own home? It's incredible the amount of things that you never think about. On a good note though, we get to close on our house a day earlier than we thought!!! We are so excited. We thought we could stay away from driving past the house until we closed. Think again! We are just too excited. It was kind of a surreal experience when we drove past our house today. They were moving out and the garage was completely empty! Wow, is it really going to be ours in 3 days?!? 3 days, and I haven't even started packing yet. Good thing we have our apartment until the 21st. Anyway, lots of fun things happening here. I will definitely post some pictures of our house when we get moved in. Here is a picture of the outside...

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