Sunday, February 28, 2010

Awesome Mini Photobooks!

So, my sister in-law, Emily, started an etsy shop and sells these super cute books! She designs them all herself and can be used for different occasions. She will customize your order or you can purchase one of her adorable pre-made books. They are so convenient and you can even have them out for display because they are small enough to put on a shelf or table. They open up to an accordion or origami style so you can see all your pictures. They are marked with little tags that tell you where to put your pictures... How awesome! It takes the stress out of trying to design a scrapbook page yourself. Just paste your pictures and your done! Super easy and super cute.
Emily, way to go! The site looks so great :)

You have got to check them out on her blog:

You can also see her stuff on her etsy shop too:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Paige~ So fun!

The past couple of months have brought on so many new changes...
Paige is growing up so fast! She is definitely becoming her very own little person. She has been so much fun lately! Not that she wasn't fun before, but she is just learning so fast and doing so many new things! Paige has been eating solid foods since Christmas. This is one of her very first experiences with pureed veggies. And by the way, she LOVES veggies! Which I am so thankful for, hopefully that means that she won't be a picky eater. Although, she didn't do very well at first with fruits. She just didn't care for them. I don't know if they were too sweet or what, but she eats everything now. She eats solid food three times a day: Mid-morning, late afternoon and then right before bed, this is in addition to nursing her every 3 hours. YES, at Paige's last Dr. visit the Dr. finally gave us the OK to stop feeding her every 2! (this was for her acid reflux) It has been so much easier on me, let me tell you... and they decreased her acid reflux dose down to just 2 doses a day now too. We are going back for her 9 month appointment and she is going to decrease it even more, which is great news!

We have been using the walker that my parents got Paige for Christmas
as a feeding chair for Paige, which worked great. See previous picture :)
(That walker serves so many different purposes!)
But, we needed to graduate to a bigger chair for her so feeding time was a little easier. Well... we decided that we had a little money left over on a gift card that Scott's Dad gave us for Christmas (Thanks Grandpa Willoughby!) So we bought her a high chair. It has been awesome! She loves it! She plays in it, eats in it, watches mommy cook dinner in it... she has so much fun.

Love this next one...
We had just gotten home from church and she was sitting down to eat her afternoon meal and she just looked so darn cute, I couldn't resist! And plus I hadn't taken any pictures of her sitting in her BIG girl chair yet.

She is getting so smart... she loves her leap frog table that Uncle Seth and Aunt Tara gave her. It has legs on it, but where she can't really stand up yet without me sitting right there to make sure she doesn't fall, we take the legs off so that we don't have to be right there the whole time while she is playing with it. She has figured out all the buttons and whether she needs to slide them, pull them across, or push them. We go through phases of all we hear is...
"lights on... lights off...lights on... lights off...lights on... lights off..."
You get the picture ;) But she loves it and that makes us happy!

She is rolling all over the place now!
We lay her in the middle of the floor and look away for a few seconds and...
This is how we find her!
She tends to migrate anywhere there is something on the floor.

This is one of her favorite places, under the table...
She loves to sit and scrap her nails on the wood and hear how it sounds,
and do you SEE all of the attached pieces of hardware, yeah...
need I say more? Silly girl!

Wearing Daddy's hat. So cool! Scott thinks that Paige looks so cute with his hats on. He is always putting them on her, and of course she just sits and grins at him.
(I think she has already got him wrapped around her finger... although,
who doesn't she have wrapped around her finger? Look at that smile, how can I resist!)

Paige now wakes up from her naps and plays in her crib. This is usually how I find her when I walk through the door. SO CUTE! Although, not so cute when it's the beginning of nap time!

She loves to play in the bars.
We can usually hear her banging her binkie on the bars over the baby monitor :)

Did I mention that she loves the coffee table?

So, the other day Paige wakes up from her nap and her hair is standing straight up! This picture is not so good at showing it, cause her hair is so fine... but it was super funny! She looked so cute! Anyway, lately we have been giving her food that she can pick up with her fingers and she thinks that is pretty cool. She does a pretty good job of getting them in. Takes some effort, if she can't get it in her mouth with just one hand she uses the other to help "guide" the other one in. FUNNY! And she just picks the food up and keeps putting them in her mouth as fast as she can pick them up and put them in. Her favorites are rice puffs (which are what she is eating in the picture), cherrios and cheese :) We have been trying fruit and veggies too... but she's not to keen on the texture I think. She does chew, or should I say gum? the food, which is pretty fun to watch :) WOW, did I really say it is fun to watch her "gum" her food? I am soooo officially a parent!

She is talking all the time... and not always at appropriate times. I think her favorite times to talk are when we are at church. You know when it's really quite. Like during the sacrament and during lessons when other people are actually trying ot pay attention! Life of a parent, I know...
Anyway, I tried to get a better video than this, but to no avail. When you get up close to her with the camera, all she is interested in is the camera's bliking red light that goes off when you record. So, of course all her attention just went from talking to watching with delight and curiousity... Anyway, needless to say I took it from across the room on a zoom, but still worth while for mommy, so I was OK with it and I can still watch! :)

And for some other exciting news, tomorrow will be our first official day that we will be looking at houses! We are so excited. We have been driving around town for the past couple of weeks just looking and dreaming waiting until Scott took his boards. Well, with the boards over and passed we finally sat down and called a Realtor. So we are officially in the process of buying our first home. We meet with the Realtor tomorrow to take us around to look at some prospects... So, whatever the outcome, we are excited for this new chapter in our lives none the less.
Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paige's 6 month & Family Pics~

These are the pictures that our friend Bethany took for us back in December, right before Christmas. They turned out so cute. What can I say, Paige is extremely photogenic! If you want to check out Bethany's photography blog it's..., she does a great job. Thanks Bethany for all the beautiful pictures of our family.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


WOW!!! I have so many fun and exciting things to write about! Let me just tell you between being busy, lots of changes, and not having the internet for over 5 weeks (vacation and moving without internet) was a very large part of why this post has been a long time coming. Sorry, and truly I am the most sorry for myself. There were so many fun and exciting things that happened that now as I sit to finally write them down my memory doesn't serve me as well as I thought! I should write these wonderful memories down on paper so that I don't forget to document. After all this is our family journal. And the only place that I document our family's updates.

So needless to say things have been really crazy for us over the past 2 months!
What happened over those two months you ask? WELL...

Here is where it all began, decorating for Christmas. This is such a cute pic of Scott and Paige! Paige loved the ornaments, but wasn't interested in the lights. Which I was kind of suprized about, I thought that she would love them... oh, well :)
We discovered that we were moving to the Boise area at the end of November for Scott's new job, so we drove up to Boise multiple times looking for apartments. We collected boxes of various sizes all December long from many office supply stores and the hospital for our move.

Scott finished finals and graduated from nursing school, that was wonderful. Some of my family even made the trip over to Twin to see him walk and get his diploma. Thanks everybody for coming! It really meant a lot to us to have you there!
Here's a picture of Scott's graduating class...He's the tallest person in the back row!
Scott waiting to go get his diploma Here's where Scott recieves his diploma

One of our very best friends back in Twin, Bethany, took 6 month pictures for us of Paige, they turned out sooooo cute! I will post those in the next post.

We had multiple visits from friends and family which was awesome!

We got to have Scott's Brother, Chad, and his family come stay with us for overnight visits on their way to and from their trip up to Washington. (I totally forgot to take pics while they were here! :( Darn it! )

We also got to see some of our very best friends, Davis, Linda and their adorable little boy Gavin. They live in Virginia so this was a real treat for us. It was only suppose to be a day trip but on there drive back to Utah to visit with Linda's family the roads were too bad to travel on so they had to turn around and stay the night at our apartment. Which I can honestly say that I was really excited that they were going to be coming back to spend more time with us. Sad that the roads were bad, but still super excited! Here's some pics of their visit~ Can I just say, kids never are ready to take the picture when you are. When one is the other isn't and you know this is what we got, still really cute though! :)

We officially had our first Christmas together as a family. We drove to Blackfoot for Paige's first Christmas and stayed there for a week with my family. Needless to say she was very spoiled! Santa brought her a walker for Christmas, with Grandpa and Grandma Scott helped him out with this one. It has been great. She loves to sit in it and play.Helps mommy keep her sanity so that she isn't holding her all day long! :)Paige waiting with Grandpa Scott to see what Santa broughtWhat can I say... I have two children! Scott was so excited to look and see what Santa put in his stocking, doesn't he look excited!?!?Paige loved opening the packages... not to see what was inside, but so that she could listen to the paper krinkle and play with the remains. Typical! You spend the money on the gift and all they want to do is play with the packaging! :)Grandma and Grandpa Scott gave Paige a Leap Frog Learning Dog for part of her Christmas present. She loves it!Grandma got this super cute pink bike from Santa, it was really cool and vintage looking.She got so many fun things. And she even got to have her very first taste of solid food, if you can call it that :) Santa brought her a box of rice cereal for her Christmas breakfast. We even used the walker as her "high chair" for a while, until we were able to get her one. It worked out great.Look at my cute girl with her first remains of real food on her face... PRECIOUS!It was so fun to see the family during Christmas before our big move. We then drove back home to Twin for 1 day to pack and prepare to go to our next destination...

Pueblo, Colorado for a get together with Scott's family, where we stayed for a week ,which I thought was north of Denver, sadly as we were getting ready to leave the night before our BIG trip we discovered that it was south of Denver by about 3 hours :( Oh well, it was definitely worth it! What a fun trip. Here's Grandma Macdonald (Scott's mom) with all the girl cousinsJust hangin' out with mommy during scripture study
Next when we returned home we got some last minute moving supplies and started packing immediately... We got home on a Sunday night and started packing first thing Monday morning because we needed to be completely moved out by that same Wednesday, January 6th. Thanks to lots of great friends and family we were able to move out fairly quickly.

We officially moved on Thursday, January 7th. Scott drove the Uhaul with one of our cars on a trailer and I drove our other car up to Boise with Paige. My wonderful father and nephew, Jake, drove all the way from Blackfoot to help us move from our Twin apartment into our Boise apartment. I tell you what they were lifesavers because it would have just been Scott, me, and one of very best friends, Zach, that lives here in the Boise area moving everything in if they hadn't been there. Thanks Dad, Jake, and Zach! You guys are awesome! We were supposed to have some members of the Elder's Quorum helping us move in but we only had two show up when we were pretty much done. It was a Thursday so I am sure that they were all very busy, week days are not always the best days to move.
Between all that and unpacking and settling in, Wow! We had a big couple of months. And I can't believe how much Paige has grown! She is just becoming her own little person with quite a personality! I will post again in a few days with more updated pictures and Paige's 6 month pics!